China's National Educational "Informatization" Plan represents its version of a national education technology plan, such as the one developed by the Office of Educational Technology in the US. Of course, many other countries (but not all) have developed their own national level educational technology plans. Over the past two years, SITE has developed a productive relationship with the National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning (NERCEL), located in Wuhan, Hubei Province. NERCEL is … [Read more...]
SITE goes Glocal!
The 2013 international SITE Conference will be a truly “glocal” experience. In other words, SITE will demonstrate a presence in both local and global communities. Despite a continued troubling economy for many, the 2013 conference features healthy attendance from across the world—over 1300 attendees, from about 65 countries. We truly are a friendly society! Over the next several days, you will hear more about some of SITE’s international initiatives. For the moment, let’s celebrate some of its … [Read more...]
Go East Young Man (and Woman)!
As part of its commitment to present an increasing global perspective to its members, SITE is a cosponsor of an “educator’s” trip to China, scheduled for March 12-23, 2009. During this trip, in additional to viewing the major sites of China, tour participants will be given access to Chinese educators at various levels: from K-12 teachers and schools to university faculty and administrators to governmental education officials. Note, this tour is also open to college students who may enroll in … [Read more...]
Collaboration at it best! (or the “Preparing Teachers for Digital Age Learners” bill)
Certainly the highlight of the year for most SITE members is the annual conference held each March. For many of us, it’s a good time to reenergize, to see familiar (and not-so-familiar) colleagues, to share cutting-edge ideas and research with others. It seems that we just finish with one conference and it’s time to plan for and submit presentations to the next (btw, March 2009 is in Charleston, NC, ). As with many professional organizations, it’s understandable that so many focus on the annual … [Read more...]
Get a Second Life!
With all the activity that the Second Life (SL) has generated in the larger community, this year's SITE conference would be a great opportunity for members to learn more about it by playing around in an SL environment. Some SITE members have already mentioned SL in this blog. For example, Jeremy Koester has provided a great resource at Now Sean McKay has offered to really kick things off by moving us into SL at the SITE conference. Sean has put a lot of work in this, … [Read more...]