Can you hear me now? The digital divide is alive and well. It's just more complicated. Teachers are under attack and the digital divide is even worse than before.I have had lively discussions with educators , friends of mine , who tell me that I am dedicating time to a useless cause. They say the digital divide is solved , and talk about the new technologies as if everyone has access, knowledge, and information. They tell me that the reason funding is short is because there has been a … [Read more...]
Equity and Justice SIG
Dear SITE friends and colleagues, Welcome to the SITE Blog and particularly to the Equity and Justice SIG of SITE. As we are set to arrive in San Antonio I wanted to outreach to those of you who have expressed interest in this SIG and have you share your ideas and interests in advance of our meeting together if you would like. You will notice that there are already two substantive posts in the Equity and Justice category of the SITE Blog. Nikki Davis has shared … [Read more...]
Graduate Education & Faculty Dev
Welcome everyone to the SITE Graduate Education and Faculty Development SIG, as we look forward to our meeting in San Antonio. If this message looks familiar, it is also at, but wanted to have it here on the SITE site. Our GE-FD SIG addresses issues related to both graduate education and faculty development of and by teachers and teacher-educators. … [Read more...]
Do you have a Second Life?
This year I have begun a journey with my colleagues exploring the virtual world of Second Life for teaching, learning, and community building in our university. I am intrigued by the blue waters that Second Life offers for new expressions in communicating, teaching, learning, and multimedia development. New opportunities and professional relationships have developed in world, from taking part in a class with Intellagirl to meeting educators from England, Ireland, and the US. With the desire of … [Read more...]
It’s Only a Game
It’s hard to believe that it was only two years ago that SITE started the IT Council committee on Games & Simulations. While mainstream acceptance of games as an educational medium is still a ways off; certainly, the role of games as a social phenomenon is now better understood. Just consider the past holiday season that saw an epic struggle among three boxes—PS 2, X-Box and Wii. The loser in that battle sold billions of dollars, while the winner sold billions more. … [Read more...]