In this era of technology change and transformation there are new tools to help us achieve the ultimate in education. It is a time of change. Transformational change. Some of our needs in education are to make the best use of the learning landscape . In a recent blog , Edutopia, a blogger,Ainissa Ramirez says," Creativity is seen as the secret sauce for STEM, i.e. learning science, technology, engineering and math." Creativity can break the ice to enable learning but connected learning must … [Read more...]
Call for Chapter Proposals
CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS Proposal Submission Deadline: May 31, 2009 Serious Educational Game Assessment Sense Publishers A book edited by Dr. Len Annetta (North Carolina State University) & Stephen Bronack (Clemson University) Background In an increasingly scientific and technological world the need for a knowledgeable citizenry, individuals who understand the fundamentals of technological ideas and think critically about these issues, has never been greater. There is growing … [Read more...]
Panel proposal on Games and Sims in Teacher Education
I have contacted several projects, including some international colleagues, who are working on games or simulations intended to improve teaching and the preparation of teachers. I have 4 to 6 groups in mind at this point in time (Korea National University of Education, simSchool, Cook School District from Western Oregon University, and the aha!Process SimClassroom application). The idea would be to explore how these applications represent teaching and learning with computational models, and to … [Read more...]
Ideas for a 2008 Panel on Games and Sims in STEM Education
The "ITEST" community (NSF funded projects for IT experiences for students and teachers) includes several projects that focus on the use of games and sims in STEM education. I have heard interest from 3 projects thus far that could create a panel on that topic for SITE 2008. I'd like to identify 1 or 2 more projects at a minimum from either the ITEST or the broader community and invite them to join in that panel. Please help pass along names that I can contact about this...and provide me with … [Read more...]
Do you have a Second Life?
This year I have begun a journey with my colleagues exploring the virtual world of Second Life for teaching, learning, and community building in our university. I am intrigued by the blue waters that Second Life offers for new expressions in communicating, teaching, learning, and multimedia development. New opportunities and professional relationships have developed in world, from taking part in a class with Intellagirl to meeting educators from England, Ireland, and the US. With the desire of … [Read more...]