Global Alliance for ICT and Development
United Nations Dept of Economic and Social Afairs
Nave Lewis
Parque Fundidora
Monterrey, Mexico
2-4 September 2009
This is the forum site, please join us on line.
We at SITE have a large component of international partners , and I think that this venue will be of interest to all. My personal interest come from the initial work at the World Summit. Much has happened since that time. The focus of this work is for developing nations, but there are lessons for all here. If you take a look at the agenda you will see a wide range of technologies now being employed all over the world in a variety of ways
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You are invited to participate online with this forum. Some of us have been on line, but it is not too late to add your ideas, your voice, your project.
Please send your contributions (papers or other resources) related to the theme of the Global Forum on ICT and Innovation for Education to
- Background documentation
- White Paper: Information Communication & Technology (ICT) in Education for Development, Prepared by Brian Gutterman, Shahreen Rahman, Jorge Supelano, Laura Thies, Mai Yang, Advisor: Ambassador Rafat Mahdi, The New School University
- Solutions Salon: Education, Jyrki Pulkkinen, GeSCI
- Solutions Salon: Health
- Solutions Salon: Financial and Economic Crisis and Poverty Eradication, Michael Landau, MAP International
- Solutions Salon: Gender, Gloria Bonder, International Task Force on Women and ICT
- Issues paper on Network Development and Outreach
- Statements
- Statement and Position Paper: ICT and Innovation for Education – Emphasis on Traditional Knowledge Resource Management, Dhrupad Mathur
- ICTD Ecosystem, Dhrupad Mathur
- Presentations
- BluWorld and BluMail
- Introduction to the Talking Book – Education Edition
- Introduction to the Talking Book – Knowledge Edition
- The Professional Development for Educators Program (AME)
- El Programa de Actualización de Maestros en Educación (AME)
- TeachUp! Making a Difference Through Technology-Enabled Education, DOT USA
- Submitted papers
- Educating ICT Leaders Through ICT – An Innovative Approach, Prof. Amjad Umar
- International Virtual Elementary/Secondary Classroom Activities (IVECA)
- Information Security and Privacy In Emerging Economies – Implications for Global Competitiveness, Brian Fitzgerald, RSA, the security division of EMC Corporation
- Other resources
- ICT in Educaction Policies and Plans by country (July 2009)
- 1:1 Technologies/Computing in the Developing World – Challenging the Digital Divide” by Mary Hooker, GeSCI (2008)
- Low cost computing devices analysis toolkit (May 2008), GeSCI
- Deploying 1:1 educational models in large scale: a practical budgeting tool based on TCO, GeSCI
- Macedonia: National strategy for information society development and action plan
- National strategy for the development of electronic communications with information technologies
Many of us started this work with the online forums for the World Summit . We hope you will join us.
Bonnie Bracey Sutton