Please read through the guidelines before submitting.
Publication Content
All content published through RHTTE must be submitted as a proposal to the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education’s Annual Conference. Proposals should be submitted as full papers or brief papers.
General Guidelines
Material must be original, scientifically accurate, and in good form editorially. The proposal should be informative, summarize the basic facts and conclusions, and maintain coherence and unity of thought.
Proposals should include the methodology used to collect and analyze data, as well as implications from that process. If the proposal is more procedural or methodical (meaning the proposal explains a pedagogical strategy, instructional design technique, or something similar), the proposal should include an evaluation of the procedure or method.
Controversial topics should be treated in a factually sound and reasonably unbiased manner.
Generative Artificial Intelligence Statement
The editors support the use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) as a resource or tool to support writing. However, authors should not adopt content written by genAI. To clarify, genAI can be used to help authors revise language, brainstorm ideas, and get feedback. Authors should not have genAI write sentences, sections, references, or other aspects of their proposals for them. If the use of genAI is used in a way that does not align with this policy, the proposal will be flagged and addressed on a case-by-case basis.
The format of headings, tables, figures, citations, references, and other details should follow the APA style as described in the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, available from APA, 750 1st St., NE, Washington, DC 20002 USA.
Proposals must be written in Standard English, either using the U.S. or British dialects. AACE will not edit submitted manuscripts for style or language. Also, editors may will reject proposals if there are an unacceptable number of grammatical errors.
Conventions and Style
Spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and the mechanical elements of arrangements, spacing, length, and consistency of usage in form and descriptions should be studied before submission. Due to the academic focus of AACE publications, the use of personal pronoun (I, we, etc.) and present tense is strongly discouraged with the exception of qualitative research.
The editors reserve the right to copyright edit for grammatical issues and overall readability.
No manuscript will be considered which has already been published or is being considered by another journal.
RHTTE is copyrighted by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of AACE.
Author Note(s):
Financial support for work reported or a grant under which a study was made should be noted just prior to the Acknowledgments. Acknowledgments or appreciation to individuals for assistance with the manuscript or with the material reported should be included as a note to appear at the end of the article after the References.
Accepted Submission File Formats
Authors should email the editors of RHTTE their proposals upon request, and proposals should be sent as MS Word files or Rich Text Format. PDFs, Google Docs, and other formats will not be accepted.
For collection purposes, the editors may request that the authors upload their proposals in a form. When uploading proposals, authors should continue to ensure they are MS Word files or Rich Text Format.
- Manuscripts should be double-spaced, and a font size of 12 is preferred.
- Length: In general, articles should not exceed 10 double-spaced pages. Long articles, or articles containing complex material should be broken up by short, meaningful subheadings.
- Title Sheet: Please include a title sheet with each author’s first and last name, affiliation, location (city, state/providence, country), and email address.
- Abstract: An informative, comprehensive abstract of 75 to 200 words must accompany the manuscript. This abstract should succinctly summarize the paper’s major points, and the author’s summary and/or conclusions.
- Tables, Figures & Graphics:
- All tables and figure graphics must be embedded within the file and of such quality that, when printed, be in camera-ready form (publication quality). Within the submitted file, number and type captions centered at the top of each table. Figures are labeled at the bottom of the figure, left justified, and numbered in sequence.
- Any graphics that go in the article may be requested as separate files. The highest quality master (e.g. TIF) is preferred. Additionally, the graphics must also be embedded in the correct locations within the document so the copyeditors know the proper placement. Please note that any graphics created in Microsoft Word must also be submitted as separate files.
- Graphics, tables, figures, photos, and so forth, must be sized to fit a 6″ x 9″ publication with margins of: top, 1″ inside 1″ outside, .75″ and bottom, 1″ an overall measurement of 4.25″ X 6.5″ is the absolute limit in size. A table or figure sized on a full size 8.5 by 11 piece of paper does not always reduce and remain legible. Please adhere to the size stipulation or your manuscript will be returned for graphics/figures or tables to be re-done.
- Quotations: Copy all quoted material exactly as it appears in the original, indicating any omissions by three-spaced periods. At the close of the quotation, give the complete source including page numbers. A block quote must be a minimum of 40 words or four lines, single-spaced.
- Terminology and Abbreviations: Define any words or phrases that cannot be found in Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. Define or explain new or highly technical terminology. Write out the first use of a term that you expect to use subsequently in abbreviated form. Abbreviations ( i.e., e.g., etc.) are only acceptable in parenthesis, otherwise they must be spelled out, that is, for example, and so forth, respectively. Please avoid other foreign phrases and words such as via.
- Program Listings: Program listings will appear with the published article if space permits. Listings should be publication quality. The brand of computer required should be included. Lengthy program listings (more than four 6 x 9 pages) can not be published, but may be made available from the author; a note to that effect should be included in the article.
- Citations: Citations should strictly follow American Psychological Association (APA) style guide. Examples of references cited within the texts of articles are as follows: (Williams, Allen, & Jones, 1978) or (Moore, 1990; Smith, 1991) or Terrell (1977). In citations, “et al.” can only be used after all authors have been cited or referenced with the exception of six or more authors. As per APA all citations must match the reference list and vice versa. Multiple self-citations are highly discouraged and too many self-citations may result in the proposal being rejected.
- References: Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all references and that all references cited in the text also appear in the Reference section. References should not exceed 15. All references should be in alphabetical order by author (unnumbered) American Psychological Association (APA), style. Over use of references is discouraged.
Code of Ethics
AACE strives to follow the COPE Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines as a publisher. It also works with its editors to support their adherence to the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors. Finally, it requires all authors submitting articles to adhere to the COPE International Standards for Authors. Both sets of guidelines have been provided through a Creative Commons license; they are also available on the COPE Code of Conduct webpage. Please also see: Wager, E., & Kleinert, S.(2010). Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Singapore, 309-16.
RHTTE Publication Ethics
RHTTE is dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards in the publication of research related to technology and education. Our commitment is to ensure the integrity, transparency, and quality of the research we publish. To this end, we adhere to the following ethical principles:
- Research Integrity: All research submitted to RHTTE must be conducted with honesty and integrity. This includes accurate representation of data, proper citation of sources, and honest reporting of results. We do not tolerate fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism.
- Authorship and Contribution: Authors must accurately represent their contributions to the research. All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research must be listed as co-authors, and those who have not made substantial contributions should not be included. Corresponding authors are responsible for ensuring that all co-authors approve of the final manuscript and its submission.
- Conflict of Interest: Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their work or the peer review process. All parties involved in the publication process should strive to maintain objectivity and transparency.
- Ethical Compliance: Research submitted to RHTTE must comply with relevant ethical guidelines and regulations, including but not limited to obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring the protection of human and animal subjects, and adhering to data privacy laws.
- Publication Ethics: We reserve the right to retract or correct published articles if significant errors or ethical violations are identified. Authors are encouraged to promptly notify the editorial team of any issues that arise with their published work.
- Transparency: We promote transparency in the research process. Authors are encouraged to make their data, methods, and findings accessible to ensure reproducibility and facilitate further research.
- Responsibility to the Public: Research published in RHTTE should contribute positively to the field of technology and teacher education and serve the broader educational community. We expect authors to consider the potential impact of their work on students, educators, and policy.
By publishing in RHTTE, authors agree to adhere to these ethical standards and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in technology and teacher education with integrity and respect.
For any questions or concerns regarding these ethical guidelines, please contact the RHTTE editors.
AACE strives to follow the COPE Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines as a publisher. It also works with its editors to support their adherence to the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors. Finally, it requires all authors submitting articles to adhere to the COPE International Standards for Authors. Both sets of guidelines have been provided through a Creative Commons license; they are also available on the COPE Code of Conduct webpage. Please also see: Wager, E., & Kleinert, S. (2010, July). Responsible research publication: International standards for authors. promoting research integrity in a global environment. In T. Mayer & N. Steneck (Eds.), Promoting research integrity in a global environment (pp. 309-316). Imperial College Press/World Scientific Publishing.
These statements reflect our commitment to ethical research practices and aim to foster a scholarly environment where quality and integrity are paramount.