Geospatial Education Papers in LearnTechLib (170+)
Geospatial Education Technologies SIG recognizes the unique and growing role of a proliferation of geospatial technologies from Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Virtual Globes such as Google Earth, ArcGISExplorer and others, and the ubiquity of these applications across a variety of computing and communications technololgies. The GSTE SIG will offer presentations and opportunities for collaboration across disciplines as GSTs have applications in every content area.
Recent connections in science, geography, history, math, literature, and foreign language have appeared in every curricular content area. This SIG offers connections to each of the content areas as well as being located as a ‘learning technology’.
In addition, the Geospatial SIG would like to offer to collaborate with SITE researchers to provide geospatial representations, analysis and/or tools for grounding educational research as advocated by AERA President Tate. The SIG invites all SITE members to participate and represent other content area SITE SIGs to work jointly on projects, presentations and symposia.