Mathematics Education Papers in LearnTechLib (10,000+)
Welcome to the Mathematics Education SIG! The mission of our SIG is to bring together professionals who have an interest in discussing and promoting information technology use in mathematics teacher education.
The Mathematics Education SIG has a long SITE history. This SIG is a product of the MSET conference days when mathematics and science educators presented at a separate conference. Joining the mathematics education SIG has many benefits. Joining the SIG as a reviewer further enhances the SIGs ability to have quality presentations at the conference. SIG reviewers are responsible for conducting blind reviews of all proposals submitted relating to information technology use in mathematics teacher education.
Mathematics Education SIG Goals:
- To provide an opportunity for the exchange of information technology-based research in mathematics education.
- To provide an opportunity for the exchange of how to integrate information technology-based applications into teaching and learning mathematics.
- To provide a networking opportunity for professionals with an interest in information technology use in mathematics teacher education.
- To encourage research on using information technology in teaching and learning mathematics.
- To become a national voice in the integration of information technology in mathematics teacher education.