Workforce & Community College Education Papers in LearnTechLib (68+)
With the current focus on workforce development and community colleges across the globe, and concern over the essential skills needed to succeed in a global knowledge society driven by technology, this SIG will bring together educators, administrators, business professionals, and researchers who are passionate about exploring the innovative technology experiences of students and educators in the postsecondary education system and workplace learning programs needed to prepare these students for success in school and work.
The goals of the SIG will be to:
- Facilitate discussion on research related to the changing world of work, workforce trends and projected human talent needs, new essential skills needed by 21st century workers; as well as career development/workforce preparation programs at community colleges.
- Plan, coordinate, and encourage research related to the skills and knowledge needed for workforce success in innovative economies including but not limited to essential workforce skills such as expert thinking, complex communication, computational thinking, inventive thinking, and self-directed learning; and topics such as skills needed by globally distributed teams working in virtual environments.
- Share research findings on advances in these and related areas of community college education, career and workforce development including distance education, technology-empowered learners and new implementation challenges for CTE and STEM.
- Develop a network among the members to identify funding opportunities and collaborate on research projects.
- Create partnerships among the members to explore common interests in workforce and talent development, and to examine the workforce development needs of a global knowledge society driven by technology and engage in discussion/activities that transform K-12 and higher education to strengthen the STEM pipeline.
- SIG Activities:
- SIG Facebook Group
- Google drive folder to exchange research interests
- Quarterly Virtual Lunch & Learn sessions
- Annual business meeting at the SITE conference
- Annual report
- Periodical announcements for research, dissemination, and funding opportunities
- SIG Activities: