I have lots of resources from various people who are concerned about digital citizenship and how we prepare teachers for the use of technology. I attend the conferences and know the ideas but am not sure how the idea about digital use in schools is evaluated. Parry Aftab, is a pioneer in the study of cyberbullying, but she also knows the problems of children and predators. Some would have us close our eyes to the type of thing that happened in Pennsylvania and pretend that all is well … [Read more...]
Digital Citizenship.. SITE leads the way….
On SITE 2012 in Austin: So What Is Digital Citizenship? Initial publiching oat ETCJournal http://etcjournal.com/2012/03/07/on-site-2012-in-austin-so-what-is-digital-citizenship/ Report from SITE2012 AACE in Austin, Texas. Social Justice and Digital Equity SIG has, with Mike Searson, created a project in Digital Citizenship that is funded by Facebook. We will hold our first meeting tomorrow to iron out details. We are at the SITE.org Conference in Austin, Texas. Digital Citizenship … [Read more...]
Bullying, CyberBullying, Students as Victims.. why?
RACE or FACE? Bullying , CyberBullying? ___ ___ CE _ _ _ erior This page from a slide that Frank Worrell presented to the National Academy of Sciences. What two words come to mind for you when you see those words? Ask your friends.. Think about it. I immediately thought of it when I read about the murder of the student in Chicago. First, I remembered my own history. One day I got tired of dashing to school quickly for the safety of it.. t I gave up and took rides from … [Read more...]
Safety on the Internet , Is it possible? Bans Stifle Social Media’s Potential
Bans Stifle Social Media’s Potential 3/2/2009 - NSTA Reports—Lynn Petrinjak Are you LinkedIn? Do your students Tweet during a field trip? If you’re like many NSTA members, the answer is “yes” with a caveat: Not in school. Preliminary results of a recent online survey of NSTA members show more than half use social media websites at school for professional development and to obtain classroom resources. However, more than 80% of respondents said their schools block internet … [Read more...]