Recently a lot of articles and workshops have come to us about the digital divide and that it still exists. It is a relief that people are coming back to the realization that we have an uneven learning landscape. Here is a whole article. The following is an excerpt. This is a lot of information, but it is very important to understand the challenges in education. “For children in the U.S., their homes, their communities, and their schools both represent and perpetuate inequity. In fact, … [Read more...]
Reaching out to Teachers or Not?
Grids, Clouds, Participatory Culture and Thinking Toward the Future. Beginnings in Computational Science How do we do that? Bonnie Bracey Sutton I am not a computer scientist, or a computer science teacher, but I have been fascinated by the supercomputing field since I accidentally stumbled into it, at the end of my classroom teaching career. I worry about those teachers who have never gained facile use of technology and who see the Internet and all things considered as an enemy or a nuisance … [Read more...]