I should be in bed. I am tired. I am at the Seattle Supercomputing Conference, and in the few days I have been here my mind has been challenged to think, stretch, create and expand my ideas on education. It it not my first time at the conference. As I continue to attend, I gather friends with benefits who have the same mission of changing the world and sharing their expertise. I have learned so much, I had to think how to share. Look here at the conference site and examine … [Read more...]
Reaching out to Teachers or Not?
Grids, Clouds, Participatory Culture and Thinking Toward the Future. Beginnings in Computational Science How do we do that? Bonnie Bracey Sutton I am not a computer scientist, or a computer science teacher, but I have been fascinated by the supercomputing field since I accidentally stumbled into it, at the end of my classroom teaching career. I worry about those teachers who have never gained facile use of technology and who see the Internet and all things considered as an enemy or a nuisance … [Read more...]