For the first time, I attended the Tapia Conference. It was a meeting of true diversity. The presenters, panelist and participants represent the kind of diversity that is America. The conference will become a yearly conference from now on. It is a gathering of students , professors, and people who can inspire them to do great things. EXPECTATIONS When you read in the literature how hard it is to reach many of the very diverse groups of students, it is easy to become … [Read more...]
Empowering Teachers with Transformational Tools and Ideas
Many people see teachers as the problem in education instead of thinking , why are the teachers not prepared? What don't they know? How can we help teachers transform their learning? What should we do to link teachers, resources, and initiatives that can help? The sheer numbers needed .. Who Will Teach? Experience Matters Read the full report: Between 2004 and 2008, … [Read more...]
Furthering the Dream
This is a tribute to my friend Mano. We work together, but I only help in small ways. Martin Luther King would have been proud to know her. Manorama Talaiver is an tireless, always working, inspired educator who has created wonderful opportunities for students, teachers and administrators. When I worked for the president of the United States who was then Bill Clinton on the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council she called me, and asked" What are you doing for Virginia?" She … [Read more...]
Reaching out to Teachers or Not?
Grids, Clouds, Participatory Culture and Thinking Toward the Future. Beginnings in Computational Science How do we do that? Bonnie Bracey Sutton I am not a computer scientist, or a computer science teacher, but I have been fascinated by the supercomputing field since I accidentally stumbled into it, at the end of my classroom teaching career. I worry about those teachers who have never gained facile use of technology and who see the Internet and all things considered as an enemy or a nuisance … [Read more...]
Cloud Computing for Education?
Cloud Computing for Education can bridge the knowledge divide, the resource divide and the digital divide Teachers could be empowered Under the Cloud Warning,it is disruptive technology… Must have broadband to do this. It’s coming Can be on your device,netbook, ebook. cellphone The Limitations of Textbooks “One of the critical teaching/learning resources used in schools is the textbook. They organize and present all of the information that the academic standards require a student to know in … [Read more...]