Greetings all. My name’s Matt Miller, and I’m the incoming chair of the SITE e-folio/assessment SIG. I’m very excited that we have this new blog to begin to communicate with each other. Over the next week or so, I plan to start a few threads along assessment/efolio topics, and encourage you to do the same. My hope is that this blog can become a questioning and sharing space ~ a place to share our experiences, tools, links, and questions with one another about assessment and the use of e-portfolios. I will also be working with the outgoing chair, Joanne Carney, to make this virtual learning environment as helpful and interactive as possible.
Do feel free to just jump-in with questions or sharing. My goal would be that this blog could become some fuel to guide our work as a SIG, a place for anyone to learn more about technology-driven assessment and e-folios, and a place to support our SIG’s progress toward next year’s annual meeting in Las Vegas.
Again, welcome, and I look forward to reading your posts! Please email me if you’ve got questions and do check back soon, as new threads will be started.
Matthew Miller, SIG Chair
Assessment and E-folio SIG