SITE offers a peer refereed publication opportunity for SITE Conference presenters
SITE will publish a book entitled: Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education
Aspiring contributors who are able to complete and submit a finished manuscript of 7-8 single-spaced pages (maximum 4950 words) can make use of a new SITE submission category:
Full Papers (Edited Book Candidates)
All submissions will be reviewed by two international review panels of experts:
a. One review is for presentation at SITE Conference and publication in the regular SITE conference proceedings, and one for
b. The second review is for publication in Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education.
The purpose of the book is to present an additional, highly prestigious and fully refereed publication opportunity for SITE presenters who are able to submit a complete paper by the submission deadline.
Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education will be particularly attractive for those presenters who have fully completed and analyzed data or other types of papers, and who would like an additional and highly selective outlet for their work. Those complete papers chosen for publication in Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education will also appear in the regular, refereed conference proceedings that are distributed at the conference.
The Highlights book will be published by SITE/AACE after the March SITE conference, and will be available for purchase at that time.
Full Papers
(Edited Book Candidates, or EBC)
(submit final completed version for review)
Presentation time: 25 minutes
Submission/final version length: 7 – 8 pages (4950 words); the final version must be submitted initially. (Date Due)
Proceedings length: 8 pages maximum (Guidelines)
AV equipment provided: PC, Projector, Internet (Details)
“Full Papers (Edited Book Candidates)” are Full Paper submissions initially submitted in their final form and reviewed for presentation, conference proceedings, and publication in a book of selected papers. This book, Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education, will be published after the March conference. If not accepted for the book, the submission still will be considered for proceedings publication and presentation as a Full Paper.
Full Papers (EBC) present reports of significant work or integrative reviews in research, development, applications, and societal issues related to all aspects of the conference topics.
Full Papers (Edited Book Candidates) should be submitted in the regular format for all Full Papers. When received, they will be evaluated for the conference presentation and inclusion in the regular, refereed conference proceedings by the established SITE referees and employing the regular review procedures, and authors will be notified by the regular, notification date.
If accepted for presentation and for the conference proceedings, they will be forwarded to the designated book reviewers for consideration of publication in Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education.
Submissions will be reviewed by a minimum of two peer referees and the book editors. A decision will be made to accept the paper as is, accept the paper with revisions, or reject the paper. It is expected that the majority of papers that are accepted will be accepted pending revisions.
(NOTE – In order to appear in Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education, authors of accepted papers must have attended SITE Conference and presented their papers at the conference.)
Authors will be notified of the initial decision concerning acceptance fo. If revisions are needed, the revised paper must be submitted by the deadline. The Editor will determine whether or not the revisions are acceptable and will then notify authors whether or now their article will be included in the book.
Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education will be published after the SITE conference.