How to Present
Where do I go?
The conference is taking place on and through the use of Zoom. All asynchronous sessions are housed within the AE platform and the links to the live session Zoom rooms are all listed within the daily schedule of sessions on AE.
Set up your AcademicExperts Profile
Before your first day at SITE Interactive be sure to set up your AcademicExperts profile for participant session planning, Zoom Meeting access and social interaction. Log in using the same email address and password you use on to log into and MySITE.
Create your Profile from Edit Profile (dropdown menu from your name at top) and add a photo, organization, links, publications, etc.
– Under Sessions, search for and add to My Planner to create your list sessions to attend.
– Under Attendees, search for colleagues and new friends by name, organization, and country.
While many of you are familiar with AE, we have added some features to help navigate this year’s online conference.
How to Attend
Navigating your conference: Schedule Planning, Meeting Room Access & Social Platform will function as your Conference Navigator to:
- plan your session schedule
- access live meeting rooms in Zoom
- view virtual presentations
- connect with and message participants
- create your personal profile
- include in your profile imported publications from – The Learning & Technology Library
- create and participate in discussions connected to every presentation as well as outside of presentations
- view social web feeds
Schedule Time Zone
All times are listed in Eastern Time:
Accessing Zoom Meeting Rooms
In order to protect the privacy of our attendees and integrity of the SITE organization, ** new links to Zoom meeting rooms will be provided each day within the AcademicExperts schedule**. Personal passwords will also be sent directly to attendees for each day.
Access to meeting rooms will only be given to Interactive Registrants.
Entering a Zoom Meeting Room
Helpful resource:
Links to Zoom meeting rooms will be provided each day of the conference in the AcademicExperts schedule. You will find this link listed as the Room for each live/synchronous.
Upon entering the meeting room, your microphone will be muted. Please only unmute your mic if you are the scheduled speaker at that time or if the presenter invites you to unmute. Please be respectful and release your mic or shared screen at the end of your presentation.
Joining & Configuring Audio & Video
Helpful resource:
When entering a live presentation, we ask that unless you are the scheduled presenter for that time slot, to please keep your microphone muted.
SIG Meetings, Workshops and Q&A sessions at the end of each presentation hour will allow for audience participation. Please use the chat window during the presentations, the room moderator will facilitate discussion through the chat.
Synchronous Presentation Guidelines
Please arrive in the meeting room 10-15 minutes ahead of your scheduled presentation time. Presentation links will be provided at the start of each day on
No Shows: Will be reported to admin and removed from proceedings. If you have requested a live presentation: a room license, presider, host and time slot have been reserved for you in advance. *Requests to change to asynchronous presentations cannot be accommodated at this time. *
How to Find SIG Meetings in Academic Experts:
Helpful resource: