Established in 2000, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE Journal) is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) and is co-sponsored by four other teacher education associations. It is an interactive electronic journal, capable of incorporating into its articles video, sound, animated images, and simulations, as well as ongoing dialog about issues that advance the field.
The current acceptance rate for CITE Journal is 29%. Although all issues of the journal are available free of charge on the Internet, it is indexed by H.W. Wilson Education Full Text (since 2005, volume 5), EBSCO (since 2006, volume 6), and the LearnTechLib – The Learning and Technology Library (all volumes).
CITE Journal publishes articles in four major categories:
- Current Issues
- Commentary
- Current Practice
- Seminal Articles
- A Scholarly Adventure
Current Issues
Articles published in Current Issues are more conceptual and theoretical in nature — related either to general technology use or discipline-specific technology use. They may also address significant policy and practice issues. Articles may address any area of technology and teacher education. Articles regarding both preservice and in-service teacher education are welcome. A wide range of formats and approaches to scholarship are accepted, including qualitative research, quantitative studies, conceptual and theoretical pieces, case studies, and professional practice papers. Because the number of articles published in each section of CITE Journal is limited to one or two per quarter, editors are looking for well-written manuscripts describing truly innovative technology uses in teacher preparation.
The respective professional societies for each of following disciplines have sole responsibility for editorial review of Current Issues articles in their discipline:
General – Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)
Science Education – Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)
Mathematics Education – Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)
English Education – Conference on English Education (CEE)
Social Studies Education – National Council for the Social Studies College and University Faculty Assembly (CUFA)
Readers may submit critiques/commentaries on Current Issues papers. The responses papers will be peer reviewed and, if accepted, published as a new paper in the journal. These submissions are treated as articles and are refereed in the same way as all other articles. Commentaries of the “I really liked this” sort, or “I don’t agree” sort are not acceptable. To be published, a response to a paper (or to other commentaries) should advance the discussion and make a substantial contribution to the conversation.
An alternative format for publishing articles is described in the Current Practice section that follows.
Current Practice
The Current Practice section is also sponsored by SITE. Papers published in this section are generally professional practice articles on innovative approaches to integrating technology into teacher education. The goal of the Current Practice section is to provide rich snapshots of promising work to advance discussion and make available ideas and findings for practitioners in technology and teacher education. Although many types of articles may be appropriate for the Current Practice section, the key is that the study, theory, case, review, research, or education model described be grounded in the literature. The Current Practice section values promising ideas, implementations, and preliminary findings from research studies that may not yet be complete.
Seminal Articles
In this section we reprint classic articles that have advanced the discussion of technology and teacher education. The Editor for this section, Glen Bull, welcomes nominations.
A Scholarly Adventure
In summary, we have embarked on a scholarly adventure that is unusual in three different ways. This journal represents the collaborative efforts of several organizations, each of which has its own publication outlets. It represents the best thinking of these organizations about how to meet the needs of scholars in a field, information technology and teacher education, that cuts across many different disciplines. Second, this is an electronic publication that uses electronic tools to facilitate everything from submission to publication. And it is freely available to anyone who has access to the Internet. Articles are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. Copyright for each article is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal.
Third, the format of the journal is a departure from the traditional print journal. It is not simply a print journal distributed electronically. The content can be different. A paper can include video, animation, and audio, as well as links to external resources. In addition, the journal serves as a framework for ongoing scholarly discussions. Authors do not publish a paper and then wait three years to see if anyone cites it. Once a paper is published, anyone who reads it can immediately write a response and submit it for publication. Once that conversation has begun, the author, reviewers, and readers can engage in a discussion of the relevant issues for as long as it seems worthwhile and productive.
Editor Contacts
Glen Bull and Lynn Bell, Co-Editors
Curry School of Education
University of Virginia
PO Box 400279
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Email: or
Fax: (434) 924-4638
Phone: (434) 924-4542