Many times, when talking about ePortfolios, its seems that we are using different definitions and perspectives about the ePortfolio. That’s why I have written a one page note about the ePortfolio for my university, Hogeschool Utrecht.
Please help me with these questions:
- What is missing in this note?
- Is this a workable point of view?
- Do you agree?
- Why not?
In teacher education we want to train as much as possible good qualified teachers.
In the competence oriented framework of the curriculum we use an ePortfolio. This gives both student and university insight in achieved competencies and in what to develop.
Its the learning process of the student that should be supported by the ePortfolio. In his ePortfolio a student can use materials of former education or experiences and can save all of his materials for further use later in his life.
An ePortfolio consists three elements:
- A student has collected materials and archived them.
- From this collection the student makes, based on reflection, a coherent selection.
- The selection is presented.
Reflection and selection are based on criteria. Those criteria depend on the goal of the presentation.
This makes content and goals of the portfolio always context related.
For a meaningfull use of the ePortfolio the presentation as mentioned above should have a significant role in the curriculum and in the students learning process.
The ePortfolio has influence on the study progress.
The ePortfolio is for both student and university really significant.
The ePortfolio is technicaly stable and user friendly.
The ePortfolio has an archive of products.
Based on refelection on competencies or assignments products from this archive are selected and made to a coherent presentation.
Apart from the archive there should be a selection tool and a showroom in the portfolio.
In the Hogeschool Utrecht we use Microsoft Sharepoint for the portfolio design.
Hans van Bergen
Assistant Chair
Assessement and Efolio SIG
Consultant Education and ICT
Faculteit Educatie
Hogeschool Utrecht
The Netherlands