Research & Evaluation Papers in LearnTechLib (18,000+)
The Research & Evaluation SIG has concentrated in recent years on gathering credible evidence for the effective use of technology in education. Members convene annually at the SITE conference to brainstorm proposed group projects and then break into electronic community subcommittees to implement these ideas.
Accomplishments include:
- Promoting common instrumentation and data sharing across Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) projects. Many of these are described in the 2005 book Integrated Technologies, Innovative Learning: Insights from the PT3 Program.
- Collaborating with SITE Teacher Education SIGs and content area associations, as contributors to the National Technology Leadership Coalition (NTLC), to develop research questions for effective use of technology in the core content areas. These are described in the May 2006 article Identifying Key Research Issues.
- Collaborating with ISTE, AERA SIG TACTL, and other professional associations to promote the inclusion of research in the US National Educational Technology Plan. Foundation concepts for this vision can be found in the 2003 article New Millennium Research For Educational Technology: A Call for a National Research Agenda.
- Coordinating a 2007 special edition of the journal Computers in the Schools focusing on the effectiveness of information technology in education.
A newly-emerging area of exploration for the SIG is examining the state of the art of Web 2.0 applications among teacher educators, K-12 teachers, and preservice teachers. Many other areas are in the development stage.
Those with interest and/or expertise in this area are encouraged to join with their peers. New ideas are always welcome!