What I love about this project is that we who crafted it are teacher educators, consultants, research people and game developers as well as STEM specialists. We worked together to fill a need for teachers, but our networks must not be good enough. We need a few more teachers to make this go. You can email me bbracey at aol com to register. Our registration was a barrier to some as they did not understand the difference between the SC conference and Teacher Day. We want teachers, professionals, educational experts and teachers working in a knowledgenetwork. We especialy want teachers.
Norm Augustine, Shirley Malcom and a legion of others have testified that STEM and computational knowledge is lacking in K-12. The department of education is looking for innovation. We have innovation and new ideas.
While everyone else is deep in 2.0 the Supercomputing is going on. Here is what we have put together for a conference. . If you have friends who are in the Portland area or if you can comeI need your involvement.
The National Academy of Sciences has had hearings on STEM, on Science Learning and , gaming, simulations in education. A group of us, mostly EOT, NCWIT and others crafted a conference to further that message. This is a group of us who have worked together over months and years to change teaching and learning.
Since the discussion on the Convocation on the Gathering Storm people have been talking about ways to help teachers move to the STEM need and to the new emergence of Supercomputing.
We will explore the connections between what is known about science learning and computer gaming and simulations through discussion and use of models. We will network to provide resources for teachers to continue their learning in this area. There are opportunities for teachers to work at the national labs, to attend NCSI workshops with full support, you just have to get yourself there and we have regional workshops. Jeff Sale will keep us connected through his on ine work.
You might even get a chance to be taught by Dr. Bob Panoff as you continue to work with us.
Here is a sketch of the day
SC-09 Teacher Day
Saturday November 14, 2009
Portland, Oregon
Location: Portland State University- Fariborz Maseeh College of
Engineering and Computer Science
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Map. Moodle and other info here.
9:30 AM – Welcome
9:35 – 10:50 AM – Melanie Stegman: (1) Introduction to Immune Attack –
how to play, installation, learning objectives, general concepts, and
11:00 AM – 12:30 – Melanie Stegman: (2) How to use Immune Attack in
the Classroom (facilitated discussion)
12:30 – 1:15 PM – Lunch (provided for registered participants and
presenters by the SC-09 Education Committee
1:15 – 2:00 PM – Jeff Sale, San Diego Supercomputer Center – Data
Discovery in the Classroom (hands-on activity on laptops)
Look at the resources .. great stuff. Online components.
2:00 – 3:15 PM – Pallavi Ishwad, Pittsburg Supercomputer Center –
Exciting Education Programs from PSC for K-12 Teachers
3:15-3:30 PM – Break
3:30 – 4:15 PM – Brad Armosky, Texas Advanced Comp
uting Center – Computational Thinking in Context – Integrating
approaches into your STEM teaching and learning. SC09-TeacherDay-flyer-1-1.pdf
4:15 – 5:00 PM – Blair Baldwin, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
– OMSI’s Resources and Activities for Computational Science Education –
Local activities, programs, and resources for Portland Area teachers
and students
5:00 – 5:30 PM – Evaluation, Discussion, and Distribution of take-home
Teachers are strongly encouraged to bring their laptops to be able to
participate in the hands-on activities.
We will provide resources from NCWIT.org their resource box.