Exploring Digital Documentation of Children’s Development The presence of digital technology in early childhood classrooms has grown steadily. The number and quality of presentations and papers concerned with the use of digital tools with young children at professional conferences is also on the rise. … [Read more...]
iStory Tour: Costa Rica
Perhaps it could only be an organization like SITE that leaves one occasionally perplexed when attempting to post a blog entry. I have had the good fortune to work with a group of international educators since last summer on a project called iStory Tours. This 21st century learning approach to global awareness allows participants in academic travel to blog, podcast and create digital stories (in our case, we’re also playing around with geocaching). (The iStory Tour initiative was developed by … [Read more...]
English Education…Teachers Teaching Teachers
For the past two years, the U.S. Congress has funded research through the National Writing Project (NWP) on effective methods of integrating newer technologies into best practices in English language arts/literacy education. Five NWP sites (New York City WP, Alaska WP, Bay Area [CA] WP, West Virginia WP, and my own Red Cedar [Michigan State University] WP) have served as "lead sites." … [Read more...]
Discourse on technology in social education
For the last six years, CITE Journal Social Studies has published research and scholarship on social studies and technology including periodic commentaries on published articles. Given our success with the commentaries, we would like to extend our journal-related discourse to an even wider audience and will publish an editorial in CITE Journal Social Studies calling for more robust discourse on scholarly issues and published research in social studies. … [Read more...]