Bonnie Bracey-Sutton-Digital Equity and Social Justice SIG Chair I enjoyed reading this article in the New York Times, from which I have taken an excerpt. Schools Cut Off From the Web I was the only K-12 teacher on the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council. in 1996 President Clinton ,called for libraries and classrooms to be “hooked up to the Information Superhighway by the year … [Read more...]
Looking for Broadband Resources and Ideas? They may be here!!
So many people talk about technology without sharing the nuts and bolts of what we are using. Some resources here. Bonnie Bracey Sutton First, here is the broadband map. Broadband? Getting Broadband What Is Broadband? Broadband or high-speed Internet access allows users to access the Internet and Internet-related services at significantly higher speeds than those available through “dial-up” Internet access services. Broadband speeds … [Read more...]
Globaloria, A Field Trip ,A Concept to Bridge the Digital Divide , sharing Ideas at SITE and SXS
Globaloria Creator Idit Harel Caperton Discusses Her Recent Visit To East Austin College Prep Globaloria Creator Idit Harel Caperton Discusses Her Recent Visit To East Austin College Prep by Southwest Key on Mar 12, 2012 in EA College Prep, Education | 0 comments East Austin Academy College Prep - This middle school is designed to help low-income minority inner city students prepare for … [Read more...]
Broadening Engagement with a Little Help from Friends
We all talk about broadening engagement. FCC Chairman Genachowski shared this data with us.He acknowledges the Mobile Divide at a conference at the New America Foundation in January. Barriers to Use Affordability: 36 percent of non-adopters, or 28 million adults, said they do not have home broadband because the monthly fee is too expensive (15 percent), they cannot afford a computer, … [Read more...]
Broadband, to Lead America out of the DIgital Dark Ages with Youth Leading the Way!!
Resilent Adaptors on the Mobile Divide Despite Barriers leading America Out of the Digital Dark Ages The McArthur Foundation profiles one outstanding youth, in a conference. There are many digital videos or youth protraits on the Edutopia site so you can get an idea of the wide variance of their uses of the media. When I do keynotes, I bring along one or two of these stories to share. With young relatives of my own on Facebook, with a … [Read more...]